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Arındırma Ve Yok Etme-Jacques Semelin-Çev-Melike Işıq Durmaz-2011-503s

سس لرین سایی 2
سس وئرمه نین سونوجو 5

Arındırma Ve Yok Etme-Jacques Semelin-Çev-Melike Işıq Durmaz-2011-503s

Bu Nedenle Kaldırıldı



Dear Sir/Madam, YAYBIR (Publishers Copyright & Licensing Society (PCLS.tr)) is a professional publisher society based in Istanbul, Turkey, established to protect the joint interests of its members who are publishers of scientific and literary works. YAYBIR is authorized by and acts within the context of the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works of Turkey (Copyright Act), to ensure the administration and pursuance of its members’ rights. The rights holder of the titles below is one of our 281 members who are all rights holding publishers. Title: Arındırma ve Yok Etme Author: Jacques Semelin ISBN: 9789750509650 Our member, İletişim Yayıncılık Gazetecilik Basın Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi has informed us that the following use is not authorized by the rights holder. The exclusive rights of the rights holder are being violated by unauthorized material available at the following URL: https://turuz.com/book/title/Arindirma+Ve+Yok+Etme-Jacques+Semelin We would appreciate the removal of this infringing material from your services as expeditiously as possible. We look forward to hearing from you. Best Regards, Cenk Balaman Yayıncılar Telif Hakları ve Lisanslama Meslek Birliği (YAYBİR) İnönü cad. Opera Palas Apt. No.55 D.2 34437 Gümüssuyu Beyoğlu İST. T : 0 212 512 42 10-14 F : 0 212 512 42 15 E-Posta : [email protected];[email protected] W : www.yaybir.org.tr














یازیچی لار:
چئویرن لر:
یایین ایلی:
2011 (میلادی)
صحیفه لر:
PDF Document
مؤحتوانین دیلی:

Dear Sir/Madam, YAYBIR (Publishers Copyright & Licensing Society (PCLS.tr)) is a professional publisher society based in Istanbul, Turkey, established to protect the joint interests of its members who are publishers of scientific and literary works. YAYBIR is authorized by and acts within the context of the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works of Turkey (Copyright Act), to ensure the administration and pursuance of its members’ rights. The rights holder of the titles below is one of our 281 members who are all rights holding publishers. Title: Arındırma ve Yok Etme Author: Jacques Semelin ISBN: 9789750509650 Our member, İletişim Yayıncılık Gazetecilik Basın Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi has informed us that the following use is not authorized by the rights holder. The exclusive rights of the rights holder are being violated by unauthorized material available at the following URL: https://turuz.com/book/title/Arindirma+Ve+Yok+Etme-Jacques+Semelin We would appreciate the removal of this infringing material from your services as expeditiously as possible. We look forward to hearing from you. Best Regards, Cenk Balaman Yayıncılar Telif Hakları ve Lisanslama Meslek Birliği (YAYBİR) İnönü cad. Opera Palas Apt. No.55 D.2 34437 Gümüssuyu Beyoğlu İST. T : 0 212 512 42 10-14 F : 0 212 512 42 15 E-Posta : [email protected];[email protected] W : www.yaybir.org.tr



 سایین اوخوجولار!
توروز سیته سی بیر کولتورل اوجاق اولا‌راق دیلچی‌لیکله باغلی قونولاردان دانیشیر. بو سیته دیلچی‌لیکله باغلی دیرلی بیلگی‌لر وئرمکده‌دیر. دیلیمیزین تاریخی و ائتیمولوژی‌سی ساحه‌سینده چالیشان بو سیته، سؤزلرین کؤکو و ائتیمولوژی‌سی حاقیندا، باشقا سیته‌لردن دییشیک اولا‌راق، ائیلمله(فعل) باغلی آنلام‌لارین آچیقلاییر.
سیته‌میزده دیلچی‌لیکله باغلی بیر چوخ کیتاب، سؤزلوک، یازی‌لار الده ائدیب اوخویابیلرسینیز. اوموروق کی بو سیته، سیز دیرلی، سایین اوخوجولار یاردیمییلا، دیلچی‌لیک قول‌لاری‌نین گلیشمه‌سی، یوکسلیشی یولوندا بیر آددیم گؤتوربیلسین.
بئی هادی ([email protected])