About Turuz

Dear readers!
This website is a cultural community which is grounded in the etymology studies of Turkish language, and discusses Turkish language word roots and morphology of the Turkish language.
From a linguistic viewpoint, one must explore the initial root words according to their application.
It is claimed that the condition that a word is born usually is a passive thing and the word itself starts a journey in which new meanings, new concepts are attached to a word in the process of usage in people's everyday speech.
This website just discusses subject matters related to word meanings and etymology of the words. Unlike other websites on linguistics, we try to explore word use and verb related subject matters.
One can claim that there is no word in Turkish language that lacks a verb, this means that all words in Turkish language have verb roots.
The word cannot be traced without their location in a sentence, but if you know a single word in Turkish language that falsifies this principle please let us know.
On this website we will try to share all the books, dictionaries and handwritten pamphlets on words etymology and word meaning.
Please don't hesitate to share your understanding about word roots and etymology of words with us.
Please send us any words that their meaning and roots haven't been linguistically explored, we hope to be a good help to assist you in your studies.
If you come across new words among people or in everyday life that haven't been recorded anywhere, you can count on our assistance to make those words widely known.
Currently we just provide linguistics knowledge in form of Turkish-Turkish dictionaries, but in near future Turkish-Persian dictionaries will be at hand on website, that could be a great honor for us to help our readers.
About website name,
Turuz as a name is derived from Marko polo's itinerary. He mentions Aynali Mountains in Tabriz as Turuz. Turuz is a Turkish word which means a color similar to red color.
Accordingly, these mountains in Tabriz were called Turuz in the past.
We expect this website, with valuable efforts of addressees, may develop a new gate of knowledge in Turkish linguistics and further the grounds for research and study.
Həsən Bəy Hadi
İlişki: h.beyhadi{at}gmail.com
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