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Paqan Eğitimler Jean-Francois Lyotard- Atakan Qaraqış-1977-99s

تعداد آرا 1
نتیجه آرا 7

Paqan Eğitimler Jean-Francois Lyotard- Atakan Qaraqış-1977-99s


Deleuze ve Guattari ile birlikte arzu felsefelerinin en önde gelen temsilcisi Lyotard'ın bu kitabı düşünürün başyapıtları "Libidinal Ekonomi" ile "Anlaşmazlık" arasında bir geçiş dönemini ortaya koyar. 

Dilsel çözümlemenin özgün bir uygulamasının yönettiği felsefi diyalog biçimindeki metinde Lyotard hem kapitalist anlatı rejiminin hem de toplumcu esinli söylemlerin bir çeşit yapısökümünü sunmaktadır. Lyotard'ın felsefi saldırısının hedefi, her türden dogmatik söz alış ve iktidar dayanışmasıdır. Lyotard'ın "pagan"dan anladığı ise, tam da bu dogmatizme ve iktidara bağlı olmayan ve ona direnen, tektanrıcılık modeline göre biçimlenmiş her çeşit "tekçiliğin" karşısında duran söyleme tarzlarıdır.

Jean-François Lyotard (1924—1998)

LyotardFrench post-structuralist philosopher, best known for his highly influential formulation of postmodernism in The Postmodern Condition. Despite its popularity, however, this book is in fact one of his more minor works. Lyotard's writings cover a large range of topics in philosophy, politics, and aesthetics, and experiment with a wide variety of styles. His works can be roughly divided into three categories: early writings on phenomenology, politics, and the critique of structuralism, the intermediate libidinal philosophy, and later work on postmodernism and the "differend." The majority of his work, however, is unified by a consistent view that reality consists of singular events which cannot be represented accurately by rational theory. For Lyotard, this fact has a deep political import, since politics claims to be based on accurate representations of reality. Lyotard's philosophy exhibits many of the major themes common to post-structuralist and postmodernist thought. He calls into question the powers of reason, asserts the importance of nonrational forces such as sensations and emotions, rejects humanism and the traditional philosophical notion of the human being as the central subject of knowledge, champions heterogeneity and difference, and suggests that the understanding of society in terms of "progress" has been made obsolete by the scientific, technological, political and cultural changes of the late twentieth century. Lyotard deals with these common themes in a highly original way, and his work exceeds many popular conceptions of postmodernism in its depth, imagination, and rigor. His thought remains pivotal in contemporary debates surrounding philosophy, politics, social theory, cultural studies, art and aesthetics.

سال انتشار:
1977 (میلادی)
نوع فایل:
PDF Document
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