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Yusuf Sami-Hasbi Rebbi

تعداد آرا 1
نتیجه آرا 5

Yusuf Sami-Hasbi Rebbi


Sami Yusuf

Sami Yusuf Biography (Wikipedia)

Sami Yusuf (born July 1980) is a British singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, composer, record producer, and humanitarian, born in Tehran, Iran. Yusuf gained international attention with the release of his debut album, Al-Mu`allim, in 2003. Now with over 34 million albums sold, he performs at venues around the world. The BBC, CNN, ARTE, FRANCE 24, Reuters, Time, Rolling Stone, and Music Week are among the media outlets that have covered him and his work. His seventh studio album, Barakah, was released in 2016.

In recognition of his humanitarian work, in 2014 Yusuf was appointed United Nations Global Ambassador for the World Food Programme.

This entry is from Wikipedia, the user-contributed encyclopedia. It may not have been reviewed by professional editors and is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike Creative Commons License. If you find the biography content factually incorrect or highly offensive you can edit this article at WikipediaFind out more about our use of this data.
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Sami Yusuf Performances & Interviews
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بئی هادی ([email protected])