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Ayşe Yıldıran Yeşil - Boya
Renk çemberinde mavi ile sari arasinda yer alan yesil, bir ararenk olmasi dogrultusunda sakinlestirici, çekimser, rahatlatici, davetkar ve disil özelliklerle bütünlestirilir. Oysa birçok kültürde suya ve bitkiye baglanan kökeni onu baslangiçlarin, yeniden dogusun ve ölümsüzlügün rengi haline getirmistir. Simsek ve ates tümlerligiyle fiskiran filizi dogaya, yasama ve mutluluga tasir. Büyünün, kiskançligin, tekinsizin keskin rengi, ayni zamanda tektanrili dinlerin simgesi olmus ve sir gibi en gizemli kavramlarin ifade edilmesinde kullanilmistir.
Being located between blue and yellow on the color wheel and as a middle color, the green is considered to be calming, abstaining, inviting and feminine. Meanwhile, according to its etymology based on the water and the plant, it is the represention of the beginning, the rebirth and the immortality for so many different cultures. As the complement of the ligthning and the fire, it leads the young shoot to the nature, life and happiness. The strong color of the magic, jealousy and sinister also became the symbol of the monoteist religions and expressed as mystique concepts just like secrets.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Su, Doga, Yeniden dogus, Umut, Ölümsüzlük
Ayşe Yıldıran Yeşil - Boya | |||
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